Frequently Asked Questions pc/OS Do I need to format a disk or partition my hard disk to run pc/OS? No, you can simply run the program pcos5.exe from Windows or DOS. pc/OS will not run on Linux and may require an emulator on Windows NT/2000/XP. TextMe Why doesn't TextMe run without a mouse? Because of the new graphical toolbar and the fact that most windows users use a mouse, I decided not to include keyboard navigation. For use without a mouse, please download TextMe version 1.4.1 from the TextMe page. What is the Salamander Extension? Do I Need It? The short answer is no. Salamander provides extra features for programs written by me, such as error reporting capabilities in TextMe. This is completely optional for TextMe and is only recommended if you are having problems with TextMe or I have asked you to install it to help resolve a problem. Source Code Why don’t you release your code as Open Source? I have spent 7 years coding in QBasic and Visual Basic and feel that when my code is released as open source, others are able to ride on my years of work. I have no job! I see programming as a future source of income and cannot afford to throw away this chance. Ask me and I will give you code from any of my programs for educational use only. If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to email me at